interACT 25 - Anniversary Symposium

Celebrating 25 years of collaboration on Technologies to Building Bridges, Breaking Barriers

July 14-16 - Baden-Baden, Germany

Barriers separate the people of the world and hinder mutual understanding, love and compassion:  Barriers imposed by physical separation, language barriers, cultural differences, insufficient access to health care and education, and more.  The “International Center for Advanced Communication Technologies (InterACT)” celebrates 25 years of work on key technologies that contribute to breaking down barriers between people.
InterACT was formed with the vision of contributing to solutions to these problems.  InterACT is a network of top institutions worldwide.  It was founded by Carnegie Mellon University (USA) and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany), and has since expanded to include 8 of world leading research institutions.  Their mission and passion:  to develop advanced communication, robotics, artificial intelligence and other technologies to contribute to these difficult societal problems.

The symposium featured technology demonstrations, lectures, keynotes, panel discussion, with contributors, alumni, visionaries and luminaries, who have collaborated with us over the years from industry, governments and academia. 

Come, join us virtually and get an impression of the conference...